Things are looking up for renters in Seattle according to a survey by Apartment Guide. As you might have guessed, the pandemic has kind of screwed with rental prices. But it’s definitely in favor of renters as rent is down by 18.9% as compared to 2020 for the average one-bedroom apartment.

The average one-bedroom comes to $2,056 whereas the average two-bedroom apartment comes to $2,698 (which is down by 30.6% by the way). And this massive change happened simply because people started to work from home more and started looking elsewhere for more space. We don’t know about you guys but we totally get it, staring at the same four overpriced walls each day definitely gets old.

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Photo via Apartment Guide

When it comes to the larger list of cities, Seattle is actually decently high on the list coming in at number eighteen. And you can probably already guess but the three front runners are New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Shocker right? Anyway, if you’re looking to rent now is the time to hop on it because prices will go back up.

Just think about it, you could probably score a wild place downtown that was inaccessible before. But either way, if you’d like to learn more about the rent price trends in the country you can click here. If you end up scoring a new place let us know, we’re always curious to see new homes.