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Case Study

Panda Express

panda express calgary

The Goal

To generate awareness around Panda Express locations operating around Calgary, to educate our audience that Panda Express is not only available in the USA, all while changing the perception that fast casual food has to be unhealthy or calorie heavy.

The Campaign

Curiocity executed a long term campaign for Panda Express using a combination of Instagram advertising, article publication, and production. Production kicked off the campaign in order to capture high quality assets of the variety of food offerings in a lifestyle aesthetic, while the advertisements were run consistently and concurrently with article publication. Articles ranged from general brand overviews to listicles geared towards young family members.

The Strategy

Production focused on capturing lifestyle aesthetic assets of Panda Express’ various offerings in order to capture the large selection of the menu along with the friendly customer service of staff. Curiocity utilized our in-house curated assets in order to create a more authentic feel with the advertisements, which consisted of a mixture of carousel posts and contests in order to drive traffic to Panda Express’ channel. The mixture of articles were geared towards targeting a demographic of young families to promote Panda Express’ family packs and new, healthy items.

The Results

By executing a campaign focused on consistent advertising, contesting, and authentic-feeling articles, Curiocity was able to increase Panda Express’ following while driving in-person traffic to their Calgary locations.