Now presenting your daily dose of local pride! York University got a shoutout on Tuesday night’s episode of Jeopardy for its unique lab on the study of boredom (a subject we wish we knew existed back in our Uni days).

The $1200 question asked contestants to name the city where the university is located. “The Boredom Lab is part of the psychology department at York University in this Canadian city,” it read.

The first contestant to attempt an answer guessed Montreal, followed by a second contestant who got it correct. The question was part of the episode’s Boredom category. York University shared a clip of the segment on Twitter after the show aired.

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The Boredom Lab definitely deserves this moment in the spotlight. Postdoctoral students and scholars from all around the world visit the lab to further their studies on the subject of boredom.

The lab’s team consists of “curious, engaged, collaborative researchers” led by clinical psychologist Dr. John Eastwood. They dedicate their efforts to exploring the psychology of boredom and deepening their understanding of the unengaged mind. Dr. Eastwood even published a book about boredom last year.

Canada and its celebrity citizens have been featured on Jeopardy many times before. Last month, a famous Vancouverite was featured in a question, but none of the contestants were able to get the answer right.  Another memorable moment was when a contestant completely missed the mark with their answer to a question about Wayne Gretzky.

We hope they keep the Canadian questions coming so we can score some easy points while we play along at home.