Quick, how far would you go to get a date these days? Would you download a dating app? Try and strike up a conversation during a social gathering? Heck, maybe even get thirsty in Instagram DMs? For one Vancouver man, none of these options are acceptable. Nope, he’s calling in the big guns.

As reported by the CBC, Vancouverite Dan Hawkins has had it up to here with trying to find ‘the one’ on dating apps. And so, he’s created a new process, and let us tell you right now- it looks way, way worse. In our opinion, of course.

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That’s because Dan’s plan is to, you know, revert to the go old-fashioned, ‘crowdsource me a wife as a social experiment’, type approach. He’s asking anyone out there to start sending in potential matches, which will then be vetted by a ‘committee of his friends before he goes on a date with them. So, you get the profile of a random person, then your friends take a look at them, and then you go on a date with a person you otherwise wouldn’t have met? Oh, you mean using a dating app?

Another interesting factor is the payout Dan Hawkins is offering, but before you get too excited, it is filled with caveats. While all matchmaking submissions will count as entries into a prize draw, Dan and his new special-sexy-friend will need to meet each other’s parents, say they love one another or take a holiday together in order for you to get the $500.

If the relationship lasts a year? That’s a ‘BC weekend getaway’ valued at up to $1,000. And, if they actually get hitched? (Price is Right voice) You’ll get a used car (valued at up to $5,123)!! Oh, but if Dan can’t afford to do that at the time, the payout structure might be different, including receiving payment over his lifetime

We know this whole thing is probably only half-joking. But hey, finding love is a journey, so if dating apps ain’t your thing, maybe a match made with Dan is.