Sure, we all know that Canada is home to some amazing beaches. From coast to coast, there are incredible places to dip your toes or take in the sunset. But, what about finding a Canadian beach to skinny dip? That’s a little harder, but it turns out that one spot is apparently among the best in the world.

The dating review website MyDatingAdviser has created a ranking of the best spots globally, using what they call ‘skinny dipping friendliness’ metrics. These are pollution, Blue Flag status, weather, air temperature, water temperature, safety, and hotel cost. What’s Blue Flag status? Basically, places around the world that are recognized for their adherence to a safe, environmentally friendly atmosphere.

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canadian beach skinny dip
Image via MyDatingAdviser

From there, they rounded up the top 100 spots to skinny dip, then picked the best ones from 25 different countries. And wouldn’t you know it, Vancouver’s own Wreck Beach managed to get in there! Here’s the full list, just in case you were planning a vacation soon.

  1. Lokrum Island, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  2. Spiaggia della Lecciona, Tuscany, Ital
  3. Maslin Beach, Adelaide, Australia
  4. English Garden, Munich, Germany
  5. Barreta Island, Faro, Portugal
  6. Red Beach, Crete, Greece
  7. Washougal River, Washington State, USA
  8. Plage de Tahiti, St Tropez, France
  9. Praia de Galheta, Santa Catarina, Brazil
  10. Pihlajasaari Beach, Helsinki, Finland
  11. Green Lake, Styria,  Austria
  12. Vecaki Beach, Riga, Latvia
  13. Bellevue Beach, Klampenborg, Denmark
  14. Huk Beach, Oslo, Norway
  15. Playa Levante, Formentera, Spain
  16. Mpenjati Nature Reserve, Port Edward, South Africa
  17. Viti Lake, Askja Caldera, Iceland
  18. Banyan Tree Lijiang, Yunnan, China
  19. Little Palm Beach, Auckland, New Zealand
  20. Arambol Beach, Goa India
  21. Semuc Champey, Lanquín, Guatemala
  22. UK – Lady Falls, Neath, United Kingdom
  23. Wreck Beach, Vancouver, Canada
  24. Orient Bay, St. Martin, Caribbean
  25. Neve Midbar Beach, Dead Sea, Israel

Of course, the majority of the list was for more, ahem, progressive beachgoers, with the vast majority coming out of Europe. However, we were just as surprised to see that countries like China and Israel have some hidden gem skinny dipping spots of their own. Well, the more you know!

As for Wreck Beach? We honestly would have been upset if it wasn’t the best Canadian beach to skinny dip at. After all, it’s like a rite of passage for more adventurous travellers. Will you be joining them?