Are you sick of stepping onto a TTC bus only to be met with large crowds? We hear ya. Busy buses are the last thing anyone wants to be around in the middle of a pandemic. Well, the TTC hears you too because they’re rolling out an awesome update to the Rocketman App to help deal with that problem.

Now, on the off chance you’re a Torontonian who isn’t familiar with the Rocketman App, let us change your life. This nifty online tool is widely used to track buses, check schedule times, and stay on top of your commute. It’s a game-changer for any frequent TTC rider.

Okay, now that you’re all up to date on that, here are the changes we’re about to see. Beginning today, the Rocketman App will be displaying nifty little symbols indicating how busy a bus is before it arrives. They’ve worked out a three-tiered system based on percentage capacity to keep the riders informed.

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Tier one, or not busy, will display one “person” icon. This tier represents a TTC vehicle that is less than 30% full. So, on a standard bus that’s about 15 riders, on an articulated bus it’s about 23.

Tier two gets a little more crowded. When you see two “person” icons, you’ll know the bus is anywhere from 30% – 80% full. In other words, 15 to 40 customers on a standard bus, 23-54 on an articulated bus.

Finally, there’s the very busy tier. When you see three “person” icons, you should probably wait for the next bus in the schedule. This level means the vehicle is more than 80% full or holding over 40 customers on a standard bus, and more than 54 on an articulated bus.

For now, these updates only apply to TTC buses, because these vehicles are the only ones equipped with customer counting equipment. Hopefully, we’ll see a rollout to include other vehicles in the near future.

So there you have it! This nifty tool could be all it takes for a safer and more comfortable commute. Read more about it at