Well, we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Seattle has some pretty unpredictable weather patterns. With each year it seems more and more likely that snow will become the new norm. This year is certainly proving that with snow already hitting city streets before the holidays.

We all know that Seattle isn’t exactly equipped to handle large amounts of snow, that being said it doesn’t take much snow to shut this city down. This morning, NWS reported that an area of light snow was headed for the Seattle area, with temperatures in and around Seattle at freezing or below freezing temperatures.

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With one to two inches of snow on the way, it’s safe to assume that the roads will be a bit dicey. If you are commuting or need to leave the house today make sure to be cautious when on roadways and expect some delays.

Now the bright side of this is that we get to see our beautiful city covered in snow and some lucky kids will probably get a snow day or two even.

Keep in mind, the Weather Network currently isn’t predicting additional snow in the upcoming days so we’ll be back to our rainy reality before you know it.