There are many acclaimed culinary masters out there, but few names stand as tall as Chef Akira Back.

The Michelin-starred chef, known for his innovative and exquisite taste, has spent two decades building a global empire of 25 restaurants across the world, with more on the horizon.

That includes his iconic Toronto restaurant inside the Bisha Hotel, aptly named Akira Back.

It’s one of the city’s most notable restaurants, serving Chef Akira’s signature Japanese dishes with authentic Korean flavors.

“As a chef, I am always proud of opening a new restaurant and bringing my story to others through my cuisine,” said Chef Akira in an interview with Curiocity.

At the Toronto restaurant, every dish on the menu is a delicious adventure for the taste buds.

But, according to Chef Akira, the most celebrated creation is the AB Tuna Pizza.

“It is our signature dish which customers enjoy all over the world. I created this dish 20 years ago. It’s amazing to see how popular it has become,” he said.

While the AB Tuna Pizza remains a crowd-pleaser, the 48-Hour Short Ribs holds a special place in the chef’s heart.

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He recalled, “We would eat this as a family back in Korea when I was a child, so I have fond memories with this dish.”

“Back then, the cost of beef was cheap and it was considered an affordable option,” he added.

This dish serves as a delicious reminder of his Korean heritage and the simple joys of family meals.

Another standout creation on the menu is the Scallop Half Shell, which is Chef Akira’s personal favourite.

“[The Scallop Half Shell] shows my American and Korean influence by using veal bacon plus kimchi,” he said.

“Scallops texture makes flavor and seasoning more challenging so this is a dish that I am proud of to be so flavourful.”

Chef Akira’s career has been studded with numerous milestones and accolades.

That includes special appearances on shows like Iron Chef America and cooking for world-famous dignitaries — the Dalai Lama, Bill Clinton, and the royal family of England, to name a few.


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Chef Akira says his proudest moments have always been the ability to share his cuisine with people around the world.

“I am also most proud of seeing team members grow and have opportunities for career and family advancement in different countries where our restaurants are located.”

As Chef Akira Back continues to push the boundaries of culinary artistry, his Toronto restaurant is a testament to the unique and unforgettable dining experience that catapulted his career.

Akira Back Toronto

Where: 80 Blue Jays Way, Toronto