Whether it’s a restaurant with the best food or a reliable store where the clothes fit you just right, we’ve all got our favourite businesses. Of course, on the other side of the coin, there are also the ones that we’re far less enthusiastic about. This week, product review site, Rave, actually released an extremely comprehensive list of these brands most hated by each country, and though no one ever asked for it – we needed to share.

Now, when we say comprehensive we mean it! Not only did they break each list down country by country, but they also isolated certain industries from fast food companies, big tech and gaming brands.

To create this ‘detest directory’ of sorts,  Rave said they calculated a ‘hate rate’ using and ranking the percentage of negative tweets in each location and honestly, what they found was pretty interesting.

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Photo via Rave Reviews

According to their results, the overall most hated brand in Canada was entertainment conglomerate, Sony, with an overwhelming HR of 49.09%.

Sony was actually the most despised brand across the board with 9 other countries, including Argentina and Greece agreeing with the great white north.

Sadly, they didn’t really offer further information – so we’re left with only speculation about why this particular company gets under everyone’s skin.

These are just a few tweets that we found that might give you more insight: 

More niche industries like ‘gaming’ saw that it was Game Freak that took the Razzie equivalent with 95.68% of the downvotes, while Orange Julius was named Canada’s least favourite fast-food chain with 47.06%.

Photo via Rave Reviews

Lastly, and this will probably not surprise any of you after this week’s outage, it was Facebook who snagged the top spot for bottom brand – but only with a hate rate of 37.24% – so there you have it.

Now as we said, they really did make a list for everything so if you’d like to view their report yourself, you can check it out here. In the spirit of things, you might just hate what you find. Have fun!