Snow? Rain? Maybe a White Christmas? More like “a mild start to the season, with a delay in the arrival of consistent cold weather,” predicts the Weather Network for Canada’s winter season. What else can we expect with the winter weather pattern this year?

According to The Weather Network’s winter forecast of December, January, and February, strong El Niño conditions have developed in the Pacific Ocean.

And they say that El Niño has “a reputation for bringing mild winters to most of Canada.”

But with that said, January and February could see a big pattern change when it comes to winter weather.

“The current El Niño event and ocean water temperatures across the Pacific Ocean are giving us a pattern that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before,” said Chris Scott, Chief Meteorologist at The Weather Network.

“Therefore, we believe that the upcoming season will deliver some curveballs that will set this winter apart from typical El Niño winters. While mild temperatures should continue to dominate across western Canada, it appears to be a different story for the eastern half of Canada where winter is expected to make more than just a token appearance.”

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National Temperatures (CNW Group/Pelmorex Corp.)

Here’s a look at Canada’s upcoming winter forecast:

British Columbia

As per the weather report, a “typical El Niño” will be expected in BC, with mild weather throughout the season. This also means a “drier-than-normal winter is also expected across most of the province.”

This winter, there will be below normal snowfall and more sunshine in the south coast region.

“However, precipitation totals should still end up near normal due to a few periods when the storm track will shift north into the region and bring Pineapple Express events with a risk for excessive rainfall,” states The Weather Network.


The Prairies can also expect a mild winter, especially across Alberta and into Saskatchewan. In fact, the Weather Network states that “a few spots which are accustomed to seeing a white Christmas are at risk to miss out this year.”

You can expect below-normal snowfall across western and central parts of the area, but January and February will see the return of the usual winter weather, particularly across Manitoba.

Ontario and Quebec

Heading east, Ontario and Quebec are looking at a mild start to winter, with less snow than normal leading up the holidays.

But don’t get too comfortable with the mild weather, as The Weather Network warns that “a pattern change is expected as we get deeper into the season with periods of much colder weather expected.”

They predict below-normal snowfall for most of the region, stating that the storm track will usually be “well south” of the area.

Early Winter Pattern (CNW Group/Pelmorex Corp.)

Atlantic Canada

Atlantic Canada will see an overall near-normal winter, with periods of milder weather that will be offset by periods of cold weather, “resulting in near-normal temperatures overall.”

“The active storm track across the southern and eastern U.S. will take many storms out to sea rather directly into Atlantic Canada,” states the winter forecast. “However, enough moisture-laden systems are expected to impact the region to bring near or slightly above normal snow and rain totals to the region.”

Northern Canada

And for Northern Canada, milder temperatures are also expected, but there will be a cold start to winter across Alaska that should spread into the Yukon at times, according to the outlook.

“As we get deeper into winter, we are watching the potential for a piece of the polar vortex to sit over northern Hudson Bay and Baffin Island, which would bring a period of colder than normal temperatures to those areas,” states The Weather Network.

And there you have it, Canada.

Winter is coming.