Wondering how to write a letter to Santa Claus? Worried about it getting to Santa on time? Well, here’s what you (and any little ones) need to know about writing to Santa Claus from Canada this holiday season.

According to Canada Post, for over 40 years, they have had postal elves help Santa sort through over a million letters from all around the world.

This season, Santa and the elves are preparing for the holidays, and have started to accept letters fro November 1st, 2023.

The letter to Santa program is open every year from November 1st to the end of January.

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To ensure your letter gets to Santa before the big day (December 25th), Canada Post suggests sending letters no later than December 7th.

“We cannot guarantee delivery dates, but Santa does respond to all letters he receives,” they state.

Not only that, you can write to Santa in your language.

“The spirit of the Santa Letter program is that any child who writes to Santa in their language will receive a response in their language. So please send your letters to Santa and we’ll be proud to help him respond,” Canada Post says.

Just make sure to include a return address.

Ready to craft your letter? You can mail it to:

Santa Claus
North Pole
H0H 0H0

Happy holidays, Canada!