We’ll go ahead and say it- if North Van is the cool cousin of Vancouver, then West Van has got to be its slightly-too-conservative aunt. Last week, West Vancouver’s city council finally approved the first two cannabis stores for the neighbourhood, and only for a ‘temporary use’ trial. You know, years after it became legal nationwide. Here’s the scoop.

On Tuesday, December 16th, the council reviewed 10 different applications, before settling for 2 of them. The first, to be located in Horseshoe Bay, is Happy Isle Cannabis, which already runs a store on Bowen Island (classic). The other, which is setting up shop in Ambleside, is set to be called Avenue Cannabis. We will admit- being able to load up last minute before hopping on the ferry does sound like a good idea.

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Both of the new shops will be ‘upscale’, but we’re particularly interested in Avenue Cannabis. According to their application, the store will be like a gateway to the wild world of weed, offering ‘education sessions’, ‘seniors only shopping times’, and a store design that ‘caters to Baby Boomers and an older demographic’.

So, no hip-hopping and jazz-bopping to be had in West Van’s to-be-opened cannabis shops! That’s ok though, since Vancouver has got dozens, if not hundreds, of other options for us to choose from.