Thought you saw the last of snow? THINK AGAIN! Toronto, you’re in for a chilly Valentine’s Day week so if you needed an excuse to stay in, here it is. Snow is in the forecast for Toronto this week and temperatures are expected to drop.

It was fun and sunny while it lasted. But for now, we’re back to some winter weather action.

According to The Weather Network, Toronto is forecasted to get hit with wet flurries starting this Tuesday, but it won’t build up enough to stick around.

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It’ll remain mainly sunny on Wednesday and for the most part, it’s the only day we’ll have eight hours of sun.

Thursday we’re back with more snow and lots of it. About 5CM of snow is expected.

Now into the weekend, Friday we’re expected to see a mix of sun and clouds until Saturday where, of course, more snow is forecasted.

toronto weather
The Weather Network

In total, about 8CM of snow is expected throughout the week but will it stay? We’re keeping our fingers crossed.

But don’t think this abundance of snow in Toronto is over! We still have some more winter weather action in the forecast next week and we can’t wait.

So much for an early spring!