In Toronto, locals have a lot of neighbourhood pride. From the down-to-earth vibes in The Annex to the fast pace in the Entertainment District, every neighbourhood has characteristics that make it unique, almost like it has its own identity. So when a Reddit post asked people to describe their Toronto neighbourhood as if they were a guest at a house party, locals were all too eager to participate.

The post has gained hundreds of comments since it was published a few days ago. No neighbourhood was spared from the conversation and the responses are both hilarious and impressively spot-on.

“Whychwood arrives with fresh baked cookies and home brewed IPA. Wait, they brought their kids?” one popular response reads.

“[Toronto Island] came but doesn’t know anyone so is petting the dog until the dog leaves and then spends evening browsing through the bookshelf and cabinets.” We can totally see it!

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“Kensington shows up 3 hours late, half-baked, brings a mariachi band for a DIY taco party,” reads another. Yup, sounds about right.

“Old East York is on the front porch smoking a cigarette and holding a Molson, chatting with your neighbours,” reads a comment with nearly 430 upvotes.

“Swansea shows up on his bike with his pet raccoon. Keeps reminiscing about the old theatre that used to be a Chapters at Runnymede and Bloor and how Shoppers ruined it. Finds a half eaten muffin from Bread and Roses in his pocket. Shares it with his pet raccoon.” Swansea sounds like a good time, if you ask us.

The most upvoted post by far is one that calls out Koreatown, Parkdale, The Annex, and Bremner/Harbourfront all at once.


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“The Annex tries to get everyone to play a drinking game. No one is interested so they settle on a round of Cards Against Humanity that they brought from home,” it reads.

“Mimico is telling everyone how they really don’t live that far and if there’s no traffic it’s only a 15 minute drive,” says another hilarious comment.

Some of these might hit a bit too close to home (literally), but you must admit, they’re pretty accurate.