Our Fitbit is beeping – time to get moving! According to a new ranking, Toronto wins bronze in the list of most walkable Canadian cities of 2020. Let’s get into the spirit here by reading on the go. Just don’t walk into any poles like we did.

Published by Redfin, the report assigned a walkability score based on how many errands people can complete on foot. 90 is the highest score, followed by 70-89 and then 50-60. Now we have a legit reason to get those Doritos from the corner store, hehe!

At a score of 61.0, Toronto was edged out by Montreal, and Vancouver took the top spot. We get it Van, you beat us this time. Don’t rub it in!

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walkable Canadian cities

Blair Anderson, Redfin Toronto Market Manager, states, “One thing people don’t always realize about Toronto is that there are lots of nature walks and trails right in the city. If it was just a concrete jungle, people wouldn’t be so inclined to walk places, but since it’s so beautiful, walking is appealing.”

Here are the rankings for the top five walkable Canadian cities:

1. Vancouver – 79.8
2. Montreal – 65.4
3. Toronto – 61.0
4. Burnaby – 60.1
5. Longueuil – 54.4

These (winter) boots are made for walkin’. And that’s just what Toronto will do. Keep on walking, pals.