That didn’t take long at all! Less than two days after a petition to name a local park the ‘Nathan Fillion Civilian Pavilion’ got backing from the cast of The Suicide Squad, the City of Edmonton has responded. But, not in the way you might be expecting. Here’s the scoop.

Rather than permanently renaming the park in question, the city has instead renamed City Hall the Nathan Fillion Civilian Pavilion for the weekend. The move is apparently to recognize the release of the new movie, in which Fillion stars.

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Warner Brothers’/whoever runs the movie’s social media account was pumped about it (and so was Fillion himself, for that matter). However, we can’t say the same for the rest of the replies. Basically, the consensus seems to be that while it’s a nice gesture, it just doesn’t have the same weight as something permanent. If anything, we think this will stoke the flames of the cause, not put them out.

And honestly, for something as lighthearted as the renaming of a random park or a city square, we’re down with it. No rest until there’s a permanent Nathan Fillion Civilian Pavilion in Edmonton, comrades!