You are the master of the hustle. 

Your workweek ethic stops others in their tracks. 

You eat performance goals for breakfast while coworkers marvel and say, “They’re a machine!” And you are… But everyone needs a little downtime.

We’re here for those who champion the work hard, play hard motto. And playing hard also means taking your recharge time seriously. For stress-free Mondays, start with your weekend rituals. We promise it’s that easy.

Here are 5 easy self-care habits to help you recharge and prepare for the week ahead.


Canada’s largest mineral hot springs are in BC & they’re surrounded by mountain vistas

This BC marine park is home to natural warm springs connected by a historic route & sandy beaches

Stick To Your Bedtime

No, no, we don’t sound like your mother – it’s science! While sleeping in on the weekend may sound like a good thing, going to bed and waking up at inconsistent times can disrupt your circadian rhythm – making it more difficult for you to get your beauty sleep. 

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, and avoid screens for at least one hour before bedtime. Better sleep means better focus, decreased stress, and improved recovery during the week.  

Spend Time Connecting

Recharging over the weekend doesn’t mean sitting alone on a mountaintop. We’re social creatures, so make a little time to connect with the people who mean most. 

Grab brunch with your friends. Pop in for a family dinner. Spend time on meaningful conversations to boost your mood, energy, and overall mental health. 

But, Spend Some Time Alone Too

Speaking of that mountaintop, it’s important also to enjoy your own company. 

Try something relaxing, like reading, journaling, meditating, or getting a relaxing facial in Vancouver. You’ll come out of that appointment feeling more relaxed than you have in ages – plus your skin will look amazing, too! 

Move Your Body

Get those endorphins, they’re free! We’re not saying you have to pick up CrossFit, but taking some time to move your body is great for releasing stress, improving sleep, and boosting your well-being. 

Go for a walk in the park. Try a yoga or pilates workout. Take a fitness class with a friend. Just try not to exercise too close to bedtime.

Get A Massage

What better way to recover after your workout and soothe those sore muscles than with a massage? Even if the exercise didn’t phase you, anyone who works a desk job knows how stiff you can get after a long week.

Massages are proven to relieve stress, improve mental alertness, reduce tension, and aid mobility. Plus, they feel amazing, so. Yeah. 

Sabai Thai Spa

If that last suggestion captured your imagination, then you can’t do any better than Sabai Thai Spa. They’re your one-stop shop for Asian and Thai-inspired treatments, like traditional oil and Thai massage. They also have 7 locations across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, so you don’t have to go far to get an amazing treatment. 

Thai massages are amazing for improving movement and boosting energy. It’s easy enough to fit a 60-minute massage into your weekend, and since Sabai Thai Spa has certified RMTs on staff, you can even get the service covered by your extended benefits!

This local spa also offers a ton of incentives to help people save money on their treatments, like rewards, a referral program, bundles, and more. 

Check out Sabai Thai Spa to browse current offers and get up to 50% off on massages, spa packages, facials, and more.

There’s never been a better time to make self-care a priority!


Sabai Thai Spa is an award-winning Thai Spa with 7 locations in the Lower Mainland, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, New Westminster, Langley, Coal Harbour, Metrotown, and Port Coquitlam.  Established in 2005, the spa specializes in Thai massages, facials, spa packages, and registered massage therapy services.