Celebs can’t seem to get enough of Toronto this summer. Fresh off his trip to Muskoka with David Beckham and Tie Domi, Mark Wahlberg paid a visit to the F45 Training studio in Yorkville on Tuesday for what he described as the “greatest workout on Earth.”

The fitness studio chain is backed by Wahlberg and has 1,700 locations worldwide, a handful of which are in Ontario.

The actor couldn’t resist the opportunity to check out the local F45 locations during his time in the province and surprise gym-goers by joining the workout.

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After his visit to the Yorkville studio, Wahlberg posted a video with someone who had just completed their first F45 class.

The Hollywood celeb is clearly passionate about the class, calling it “life-changing” in the video and the “greatest workout on Earth” in the caption.

Earlier this month, Wahlberg flew into the Collingwood location in a private helicopter to make it to the workout class.

“If I have to climb a mountain or take a helicopter, I will get to an F45! The Best,” he wrote on Instagram. That’s dedication right there!


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 This has been the summer of celebrity sightings in the city. Just recently, Adam Sandler was spotted grabbing a cone at Summer’s Ice Cream in Yorkville, and he opted for a scoop of their most popular flavour.

DJ Khaled was also in town this summer, tasting his way through Toronto’s culinary scene.

All of this is just a warmup for the star-studded weeks to come as the Toronto International Film Festival gets underway.

Given the extensive lineup of buzz-worthy films premiering at the festival, we can definitely expect to see many Academy-Award-winning directors and stars gracing the red carpet this September.