This fall, with COVID cases on the rise across Canada, it’s becoming apparent that the vaccine will be your ticket to sporting events, concerts, and festivals – but how will this actually work? Whether you’re travelling or attending a larger celebration, how can you prove that you actually got immunized both in provinces where immunizations are mandatory or just advised?

The Government of Canada has published a rundown of where and how people in each province can find their immunization records. So, let’s break it down for you.

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Now, more than ever, it’s important that you have full access to your health records. In fact, in places like BC, Alberta and Ontario it will soon be necessary to enter certain businesses and take part in various activities.

These records include past vaccinations, tests, and more that will help you prove to event staff that you’ve either gotten the jab or recently tested negative.

As for finding your own proof of vaccination documentation or your province’s vaccine card/passport, the appropriate links are listed below.

Pair with your government-issued ID and you should be good to go.


Though it is advised that you stay within Canada, if you must leave, here is what you should keep in mind.

First, because this is an ever-changing situation, it is recommended that you not only bring along your proof of vaccination card but that you always check the Government of Canada travel advisories just in case a city or country requires something additional. These can be found here and will save you time, money, and frustration.

greece travel vacation
Photo via Shutterstock

Secondly, always look into the country’s entry and public health requirements as some will still ask that you still take a test when you arrive – this includes transit countries!  Lastly, it is worth asking the folks at your chosen airline if they have any requirements or advisories.


Good enough isn’t great – which is why the government has announced that they will be developing better, standardized proof meant for travel outside of Canada in the coming months to replace the above method of proof.

This document will be easily recognizable and will provide border officials in other countries with your vaccination history so they can better assess if you meet health requirements.

Unfortunately, more details on when and how you can get yours will not be available for a few more months, but just know that it’s coming!

Phew. We hope that you’ve got some room left in your wallet, Canada!

For more information on proof of vaccinations or vaccine passports (depending on which province you live in) please visit the Government of Canada’s official website here. 

Be safe, be smart and be kind, Canada!