Believe it or not, your week is going to get a lot better. “How,” you ask? Well, from all this good news we’re about to throw your way. That’s right! This week has been brimming with good news happening across Canada and the world and we are absolutely excited to bring those stories to you.

So, here we go with 5 good news stories that you need to check out!

Martha Stewart is now the Official Strategic Advisor of one of Canada’s biggest cannabis companies

Martha Stewart has got the gas. And, she’s had it since she first started working with Canopy Growth in 2019. But, she was just recently promoted to her new position of Strategic Advisor and we are stoked to see what she does with the company. Maybe more collabs with Snoop Dog? We sure hope so.

Plan your next trip with this 15 best places to visit in Canada list

We don’t need to tell you that you live in one of the most naturally beautiful places on earth. Canada has so many amazing, breathtaking sites and a new list by US News and World Report has summed up 15 must-visits. While the list isn’t the be-all-end-all, it does give us some great ideas.

The Canadian city that wins the North Division gets free Budweiser beer

The King of Beers is giving away free beer to The future King of the North. All citizens of legal drinking age in the city that wins the All-Canadian North Division will be able to register for a $5 Budweiser gift card. Now that’s a steal! We bet they’re hoping for one of the smaller cities winning considering how quickly Canadians can drink…

A woman safely gave birth on an Ontario highway

While yes this isn’t the most ideal place to give birth, an Ontario couple didn’t have much of a choice. A couple, who have been documenting their pregnancy journey, on Youtube were driving to the hospital after contractions started, but things went a lot quicker than expected. Check out the video to watch what happened, and don’t worry, it’s not that graphic.

Canada has passed the US in vaccination rates

Woo hoo! This is probably one of the best news stories on this list. Canada has really ramped up their vaccination rate and now almost 50% of our population has had their first dose. Now that’s awesome! And, even better, it can only go up from here. We are beyond stoked for this one, folks.

Well, hopefully, that wetted your good news appetite. And hey, if it didn’t, keep your eyes peeled because we’re always trying to share feel-good stories from across the country. So basically, there’s a lot more where that came from.

And hey, here’s a special bonus piece of good news for you; it’s the long weekend!