Whether you’re on the active job hunt or not – you might want to slide your resumes over to these companies when you see an opening. Forbes just released its annual ranking of Canada’s best employers – and there are hundreds of companies that made the cut.

First, let’s dive into what makes an employer one of the best. According to Forbes and global recruiting and staffing agency Randstad, employees care most about a competitive salary-and-benefits package – which was a top factor for 71% of Canadians.

Likewise, 69% of respondents ranked work-life balance as an important factor when looking for a new job.

So with these two leading factors in mind, Forbes has compiled a comprehensive ranking of the best companies to apply to this year.

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Ranking methodology

The ranking is based on an anonymous survey of over 40,000 Canadians working for companies with a minimum of 500 employees – which led to thousands of different organizations receiving reviews.

Participants were asked about work-life balance, growth opportunities, and how likely they were to recommend their current employer to friends and family.

So in total? The list was narrowed down to the Top 300 employers – primarily in Canada, but some are U.S. and internationally based.

Note that the survey includes data from the last three years, with priority given to more recent data.

Top sectors

Headquartered in Mississauga, The Hershey Company tops the list, employing nearly 20,000 people. With that said, it’s Canada’s Government Services and Education sectors that dominate the list, with 10 and 8 companies in the top 50 respectively.

Another popular job category is Utilities, with Hydro-Quebec, Ontario Power Generation, and BC Hydro all in the top 25.

Now, let’s dive into the full list of Canada’s top 100 employers, according to Forbes:

top employers in canada 2024
Photo via Forbes

You can view the full list for more info on each company, and what makes them a top employer in the country.

And that’s a wrap on the best employers in Canada for 2024. Happy job hunting!