The Nomad Passport Index for 2024, is out, highlighting the world’s best passports and Canada managed to score a spot. Here’s where our lovely country is placed.

Officially known as the Nomad Capitalist Passport Index, the ranking was created to “determine and highlight the best citizenships in the world,” according to its site.

It tracks each passport’s strengths and weaknesses, and scores them based on five factors: visa-free travel, taxation laws, global perception, dual citizenship, and personal freedom

“The index was designed to speak to the specific needs of aspiring global citizens in a world where global mobility is increasing, yet wealth preservation and personal freedom are becoming increasingly elusive,” shares organizers of the list.

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“Many passports have seen diminished visa-free travel due to recent global events.”

That being said, the list has determined that Switzerland is the top country with the highest ranking passport.

Ireland came in second, Portugal in third, Luxembourg in fourth, and Finland in fifth.

The ranking continues on with several more countries before landing on Canada in 36th place, and it’s actually tied with Slovenia. Shocked? We definitely are.

According to Nomad, it has a total score of 102.00. Under Visa-Free travel, it received a score of 172, taxation saw a score of 20, perception with 40, dual citizenship with 50, and personal freedom with a score of 30.

“Canada passport ranking relative to other global passports is calculated by relying on the Canada government’s approach not just to travel, but also to international taxation laws, global perception, dual citizenship, and personal freedom as just the number of countries Canada passport holder may visit won’t tell the whole story and you will have to deal with far different requirements to pay tax, live freely, comply with regulations, and avoid scrutiny when traveling,” shares organizers of the index.

Compared to The Passport Index’s release in January, Canada earned a score of 173, with a passport power ranking of 7th.

We don’t know about you but that’s a pretty big difference. Nonetheless, out of the 199 mentioned, Canada still makes the top 50.

The full list can be viewed here. Happy travelling!