Sometimes you just wanna float. Not swim, not paddle – simply bob. In Canada, if you’re unable to keep your head above water for one reason or another, you’ve got two choices. Head over to a community pool, life jacket in hand or – pack a few road snacks, start your engine and make your way to Saskatchewan’s Little Manitou Lake, a body of water that is unlike anything else in North America.

Rich with a variety of minerals, this one-of-a-kind spot allows visitors a ‘no sink’ experience, while also offering what they call ‘therapeutic properties’ that benefit your skin and body.

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So what does that mean exactly?

Well, similar to the Dead Sea in Asia, Manitou – a word that means “great spirit” in Cree, is so concentrated with sodium that bathers can hover effortlessly, even while vertical – no water wings necessary.

Simply enter the water and levitate! Pretty wicked, hey? 

Here, boating and fishing are discouraged – but people are more than welcome to relax, live buoyantly and heal the way that so many have since the 19th Century – a time when those looking for a  natural cure would flock to the waters in hopes of overcoming various ailments and diseases.


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No, we’re not entirely sure if it actually works, but we’d be willing to try!

At the very least, you’ll walk out of there having done and felt something incredible.

Check it out, Canada! Our country is truly amazing.


Where: Directions here