Now this boardwalk trail is picture-perfect! Though Hardy Lake Provincial Park is a non-operating Ontario Park, it is a popular one in the Muskoka region. And here you’ll find a wooden walkway that leads to a small island.

There are no visitor facilities or amenities at Hardy Lake, according to Ontario Parks, but it’s still worth the trip.

In an email to Curiocity, Ontario Parks shared that since there are no real facilities at this park, you can’t camp or have fires.

As for the trails, they are maintained by the Township of Muskoka Lakes.

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“It is a park that can be over-visited at times in summer, especially on weekends. Anyone wanting to visit should go during the week or try to get there early in the morning,” shares Ontario Parks.

Though it’s a beautiful piece of land to explore, you’ll be able to enjoy it to its fullest via one of the trails.

But the main attraction of Hardy Lake appears about halfway through your journey.

If you take a look at the trail map, just near the 4km marker, you’ll see that there is a small island within the lake that has boardwalks on either side of it.


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This is where your picture-taking opportunity will take place.

It’s a lovely spot to take a short break, have a snack or dip your toes in the lake.

There are actually a few boardwalk trails throughout the park, with several vantage points to enjoy.

“The park has a rich community of Atlantic coastal plain species. These species are here because at one time, much of present day Ontario was submerged beneath numerous glacial and post-glacial lakes,” writes Ontario Parks.

“When the ancient Lake Algonquin receded, it left a remnant community of Atlantic Ocean shoreline plants behind. The park also contains an inland section of displaced Georgian Bay shoreline.”

It’s a wonderful trip worth taking, especially in the warmer months.

If you don’t make making the two and a half hour drive up to the Muskokas, it’s time to plan your trip.

Hardy Lake Provincial Park

Where: Highway 169, Torrance, Ontario