Nobody likes paying their electricity bill, but it might make you feel a little better knowing that you’re paying less than your neighbour, right?

It’s not about keeping up with the Joneses, it’s about paying less to scroll through TikTok when you’re connected to WIFI. And paying attention to the little things pays off because it turns out Albertans might be paying twice as much as they need to for the same electricity!

If you’re already frantically checking your billing history, then you’re on the right track. Here’s what to look for and why you should care. 

energy bill

Why You Should Ditch the RRO

Wait, what? Stay with us. We promise we’re not just throwing acronyms around.

Lots of energy customers in Alberta pay what is called a Regulated Rate Option (RRO) for energy – even if they don’t know it. 

If you’ve noticed an increase in your monthly electricity bill this summer, it might be because you’re on the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) and this can fluctuate a lot from month to month.

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This didn’t matter so much when the energy landscape was fine and dandy, but lately… well, you know. You’ve seen the news. 

The consequence is that this summer, Albertans on the RRO could be paying more than double on their electricity bill compared with households who’ve opted for a guaranteed or fixed rate with a competitive retailer. Same electricity, way more money. Big yikes.

What To Do Instead

If you’re about ready to write a strongly worded letter to your energy provider, don’t stress. You can put the pen down because there’s a super easy way to save money, and it only takes 10 minutes. 

You can ditch the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) by switching to a guaranteed rate plan from a competitive retailer like ATCOenergy. By selecting a specific rate and term, you can lock in the cost per kWh and regain control over your electricity bill. Plus, ATCOenergy doesn’t have an RRO, so you don’t have to worry.

Albertans have the right to switch energy providers at any time, and the whole process only takes a few minutes online. 

Less money for the same electricity? Sounds like a win to us. Now you can watch your cat videos in peace.