It is Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness Week and ATCO Gas is incentivizing people to educate themselves and others around them.

Just ICYMI, November 1st to November 7th is Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week.


As we switch from ACs to furnaces, turn on our fireplaces and use our water heaters to their full potential, it is also important that we understand the potential dangers of a CO leak. And what better time than Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week to (re)educate ourselves and our friends and families?

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While fire departments and governments are working to raise awareness about CO poisoning, ATCO Gas is incentivizing people to promote self-education. They have even provided us with a prevention checklist to avoid leaks.

The utility powerhouse is giving away a limited number of free Carbon Monoxide detectors. Given that the gas notoriously goes unnoticed (it’s odourless and colourless), a CO detector seems like an apt giveaway.

All you have to do is download and read the prevention checklist available on the ATCO website (link below). And fill out your contact details.

The giveaway end on Monday, November 7th, 2022. So, head over to their website right away and CO-proof your home.


Carbon Monoxide Detector Giveaway