It’s been a hot minute since any of us have seen the inside of an airplane, but things can change! For those of you who haven’t been able to cure your travel bug with a virtual tour or a throwback Instagram post, fasten your seat and stow away your tray tables because we’ve got some news! On July 2nd, Air Canada will be re-launching service to Italy with negative COVID test flights – meaning that with a clean bill of health you won’t have to quarantine upon arrival, though we do air on the side of caution!

Prior to this week’s announcement, those travelling overseas on a non-tested flight were required to get swabbed 72 hours before takeoff, then still had to self-isolate for 10 days after landing; which, as we’re sure you’re aware, is typically the length of an entire trip. But that’s not all. 

Even after all of this, they’d still have to take another test at the end of that period which sucks but does make total sense. It’s better to be safe than sorry and COVID is not one to be messed with.

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Because of this, it’s important that you only travel if you need to – whether that be one province over or to another continent.

Non-essential travel is still not recommended by the government, but things happen, and in the event that you do book a flight for an emergency, there’s a couple of other things worth noting.

First – If somehow you do test positive, Air Canada will definitely not let you on any of their flights – but they will either refund your money or give you a travel voucher, so rest assured. Second – though you may not have to quarantine upon arriving in Italy, you will still have to so in Canada when you return, so keep this in mind.

Now, as we’ve already said we don’t think it’s a great idea to travel right now, but stories like this do give us a little more hope and we think that it’s worth knowing about. The world is slowly opening back up and with time, patience and cooperation, it won’t be long until we can jet-set once again.

For more information please visit the Air Canada website here, and remember to be safe and be smart, friends!