There’s nothing worse than a long commute with nothing to do. Imagine how much better your daily TTC jaunt would be if you had a little wifi to keep you entertained. Well, you won’t have to imagine much longer, folks. Because a new pilot program is launching to bring free wifi to city buses.

We know, we know, free wifi? It sounds to good to be true! But it’s real, we promise. The info is the latest to come out of the recent TTC Chief Executive Officer’s Report for May. In the report, the TTC outlined some exciting upcoming changes to the way we commute. The pilot program was one of those changes.

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Okay, so here are all the deets. The free public wifi will be launching later this month. It’s starting out testing on two bus routes: the 35 Jane route followed by the 102 Markham Road route. During this proof-of-concept phase, free wifi will be installed at 60 total buses along both those routes. Keep your eyes peeled, because these buses will be marked with special wifi decals.

Of course, the hope is that this pilot program will be a resounding success. Because if it is, it can only mean that free wifi will be expanding to include other routes across the city. Not only would it be great for providing more equitable access to the internet in Toronto, but it would also be pretty darn fun.

If you’d like to read more details, along with other updates hitting the TTC, check out the full report right here.