Are you to type to take pleasure in making your friends groan, thanks to a nonstop stream of puns and dad jokes? Get in line, pal. Or, better yet, put your skills to the test and see if you can come up with ‘something punny’ to be displayed on road signs around Calgary. Here’s the scoop.

Last week, the city launched a new campaign ‘Traffic Tuesday’. Each week, they’ll select a submitted phrase to be displayed on road signs around the city. And, we’ve got to admit, this is one kind of accolade that we weirdly want under our belt.

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To help get you in the punny spirit, there are a couple of examples on the submissions page. Our personal favourite? “You’re not a bee, don’t drive buzzed”. But really, we think we could see some true groaners over this summer. Heck, we want to.

We’ve even got a couple of inspo ones for you:

“Crazy trains go off the rails, crazy cars land you in jail”

“Keep ignoring the zipper merge and we’re going to install stoplights out here”

“Go ahead, make the traffic cop’s month”

Alright, we need to workshop these a bit. If you think you can do better, you can submit your own phrase right for Calgary’s road signs here!