Need a change in scenery, but can’t afford to take a year-long vacation? From Italy to Greece, there are some incredible places all over the world that offer a working holiday visa to those in Canada looking for adventure.

Thanks to the new IEC Program, more northern travellers are able to extend their vacations and learn, work and play full-time in the country of their choosing – but it’s not something you’ll be able to plan overnight!

You’ll have to be prepared, so here’s what you need to know before travelling abroad, depending on your dream destination:



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A post shared by Explore France (@explorefrance)

First things first. You need to know if you’re eligible!

To apply for a working holiday visa you must be between the ages of 18 and 35, be a Canadian citizen and have a Canadian passport that’s valid for at least 6 months after arriving in France.

If you’re applying for their Working Holiday Program (WHP) you will not need a job prior to leaving the country but don’t apply for anything too restrictive when you land!

As outlined on their government website, all visits should be tourism-focused. They really want travellers to discover France’s culture – not work their butts off!

Furthermore, all visas will valid for 4 to 12 months, so cross your fingers for the government’s approval and pack appropriately!

Apply here



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A post shared by Italy ?? Italia Travel | Hotels | Food | Tips (@italyexplores)

Much like France, those who apply for a working holiday visa must be between the ages of 18 and 35, be a Canadian citizen and have a valid Canadian passport.

In addition, you’ll need to have sufficient financial resources, (approximately CAD 3,500), as well as a detailed round-trip flight itinerary, proof of accommodation and a health insurance policy with a minimum coverage of EUR 30.000, or its equivalent.

You will not need a formal job offer or a formal internship offer to apply for a working holiday visa, and if approved – you’ll be able to stay in Italy for up to 12 months.

Apply here



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Are you a Canadian citizen who is 18 to 35 years old with a valid Canadian passport? As long as you prove you have a departure ticket (or money to pay for one), sufficient financial resources to cover the expenses involved at the beginning of their stay and have signed their extensive Youth Mobility agreement, congrats, you’re likely eligible to work and live in Greece for up to 12 months.

All you’ll need is approval for a Category C (Working Holiday) Visa and a good pair of shoes. You’ll want to explore all there is to see!

Apply here


Looking to take in the seasons in Japan, see the sights and explore? Lucky you, because Japan also offers working visas to Canadians as long as they:

  •  are a Canadian citizen
  • are 18-30 years old (inclusive)
  • live in Canada during the time of their application
  • have a valid Canadian passport and a return travel ticket
  • Possess reasonable funds to support themselves, including medical expenses, during the initial period of stay in Japan
  • are in good health and have no criminal record
  • and have never before obtained a Japanese Working Holiday visa

Much like the others listed above, visitors will be able to stay and work in Japan for up to 12 months, but there’s a catch.

According to the Embassy of Japan, Working Holiday participants are strictly prohibited from working at “places affecting public morals such as bars, cabarets, nightclubs, etc.”

Still interested?

Apply here



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A post shared by Costa Rica ?? Travel | Hotels | Food | Tips (@costarica.explores)

Want to apply for a working holiday visa for Costa Rica? You must be between the ages of 18 and 35, be a Canadian citizen and have a valid Canadian passport.

In addition to this, you must possess a departure ticket leaving Costa Rica at the end of your stay and must have at least $2.500 to cover your expenses at the beginning of your stay – but that’s not all.

You’ll also need a clean “Canadian Police Certificate,” healthcare that will cover your stay, must not be accompanied by any dependants and have never applied for a working holiday visa for Costa Rica before.

Sure, this may sound like a lot – but it’ll be worth it to stay for up to 12 months!

Apply here



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A post shared by New Zealand (@purenewzealand)

New Zealand is one of a kind – but to get a working holiday visa, you’ll need to be a Canadian citizen who is:

  • in good health
  • 18 – 35 years old with a valid Canadian passport
  • able to prove you have a ticket to leave New Zealand or enough money to buy one
  • in possession of NZ $4,200 for your stay
  • insured (medically) for the length of your stay
  • new to this! You must not have had a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa before

Able to prove the above? You could be eligible to stay and work in New Zealand for a whopping 23 months!

Apply Here



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A post shared by Spain (@spain)

Is a working holiday in Spain what your heart desires? As long as you’re a Canadian citizen, between 18 and 35 years old, live in Canada when applying, and have a Canadian passport that’s valid for at least 12 months before you enter the country.

Not only this, but you’ll have to have a return ticket (or the funds to buy one), and $2,602.67 CAD to live at least 3 months in Spain. You’ll also need to have medical insurance for the duration of your stay.

If it all checks out, you could be on your way to spending a year overseas!

Apply here


Are you a Canadian citizen (who lives in Canada) between the ages of 18-30 years old? As long as you’ve got a valid passport and have never taken part in Korea’s working holiday program you could be eligible for a working holiday visa!

Those who are able to prove their financial abilities (KRW 3,000,000) possess a valid return flight ticket (or the money to pay for one), and appropriate health insurance could visit for up to 12 months and wouldn’t that be magical?

The best part? You won’t even need a job before you land, so apply now and enjoy!

Apply here


Tea, royalty and fun? As long as you’ve got £2,530 in savings, are a Canadian citizen between 18 and 30 years old, and have a valid Canadian passport you’re in luck!

As long as you don’t stay longer than 24 months, you’ll be able to live, work and play in the United Kingdom – without having a job lined up beforehand.


Apply here

And there you have it. 10 countries that offer working holiday visas to Canada travellers and how to apply! Now get out there and explore! Life’s too short not to. Your journey awaits!