What’s more Seattle than coffee and tech? Camping and hiking of course. Our city, Washington state, and region love the beautiful nature that surrounds us, and it’s easy to see why. Lawn Love just ranked the best and worst places to camp in 2022 and surprise, we did pretty dang well. Let’s get into the details.

The study looked at factors like states with high-quality campgrounds, easy access to state parks, national parks, and trails. Other considerations included safety and affordability levels. If you think about access to the outdoors in our state alone then it’s easy to see how and why we would rank so high.

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Photo via Lawn Love

California is kind of a no-brainer winner, after all, it’s more than double the size of our state and perhaps equally well known for its stunning nature. But look at us go, Washington is just over 10 points behind and second place is still great! If you’re wondering where not to go, the worst state to camp in this year according to Lawn Love is Nevada.

Besides coming in second overall we also ranked in second place for most campsites and most attractions, not to mention we ranked fifth for most acres of national and state parks. So why not get out there and treat yourself to a hike? Enjoy the great outdoors.