We all thought COVID-19 would never come to an end and while it is very much still happening, things are definitely looking up. So much so that as of June 30th, Washington has actually opened again. But what exactly does that mean? Let’s get into the details.

Alright so basically businesses can now operate at full capacity. That means restaurants, shops, venues, all that jazz. The only restriction that’s really still in place applies to large indoor events. That is defined as an event with more than 10,000 people in an enclosed space. For now, these events are restricted to 75% capacity unless all people at the event are vaccinated. And if you’re wondering, these restrictions will be reevaluated on July 31st.

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But for the most part, events that large aren’t really happening. Because they’d either be sports games or massive concerts. So for the most part, your life is probably going to start to look pretty normal unless of course, you are unvaccinated.

We’ll stress this, getting vaccinated is very important. Not just for you but for the greater community as a whole and also because it will allow you to do a whole lot more in our new pandemic world. We also have to say it because Washington will continue to follow mask guidelines put forward by the CDC. And at the moment, masks are required for unvaccinated people in indoor gatherings, in outdoor crowded gatherings, and also indoor sports events.

That being said, everyone is required to wear masks in places like schools, childcare facilities, health care facilities, and public transportation.

For now, if you’re vaccinated, get out there and have some fun. If you’re not vaccinated we highly recommend that you get on it ASAP. You can click here for more info on Washington reopening.