Did you know that the world’s longest hiking trail is located in Canada? What’s called a “network of multi-use recreational trails”, spans across the country and apparently continues to grow! Here’s what to know about the Trans Canada Trail.

According to its official website, the Trail stretches more than 28,000 km on land and water. That means adventure seekers are able to go hiking, cycling, paddling, horseback riding, and more, on the trail. This national asset is so large that it links to three oceans – the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic.

It connects 15,000 rural, urban, and Indigenous communities, and “provides significant economic and environmental benefits,” say its website.

“It’s a thread that connects Canada’s diverse landscapes, seasons, people, and experiences.”

Fun fact: 80% of Canadians live just 30 minutes away from parts of the trail.

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And you can see that on the map below:

trans canada trail
Photo via Trans Canada Trail

The green parts of the trail represent land while the blue represents water. Do you see those small, red dots? That represents a temporarily closed-off section. For a more in-depth look at the map, click here.

Believe it or not, there are a few people who have taken on the challenge and managed to reach all three oceans. One of them was British Columbia native Dana Meise.

According to the official site, Meise worked in forestry and was an avid camper, hiker, and outdoorsman. “When his father lost the ability to walk, Dana was inspired to hike the entirety of the Trans Canada Trail and began his journey in 2008.”

Ten years later, in November 2018, he reached Tuktoyaktuk and became the first person to hike to Canada’s three oceans along the Trans Canada Trail. Several other pathfinders have also accomplished the trail, you can read their stories here.

Though not everyone is up for the challenge, you can still trek along parts of the Trans Canada Trail for yourself. You can find them within Canada’s most populated cities. But if you’re itchin’ for a grand adventure, Trans Canada Trail has some great guides and journeys for you to discover.

This is one way to explore Canada.