Want to save money on your next vacation? Well, thanks to a new tourist subsidy in Taiwan, you may be able to get some free spending money to use during your travels.

Taiwan’s cabinet has approved a new program to boost tourism, specifically among visitors from North America, Europe, Australia, many parts of Asia, and beyond.

The country’s tourism bureau Director-General Chang Shi-chung said that the goal is to attract 6 million tourists this year, reports Taipei Times.

Taipei is reportedly allocating well over $2.3 million CAD in surplus tax revenue for a new subsidy that will give tourists some money to spend while they are visiting.

The government will give 500,000 international tourists NT$5,000 each, which is equivalent to around $220 CAD.

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Tourists will not receive their allowance until they arrive in the country.

“It will be stored in an electronic ticketing card, which can be used to pay for food, accommodation and other travel expenses during their time here,” said Chang per Taipei Times.

International tour groups will also be given subsidies of up to $883 CAD, depending on how many members they have.

According to Chang, not all visitors will receive the tourist subsidy in Taiwan.

“The money will be given out through multiple tourism promotion events this year, rather than giving it all out at once.”

According to the Tourism Statistics Database of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, the country welcomed 13,244 Canadian visitors in 2022.

Taiwan is known for its breathtaking temples, museums, national parks, natural wonders, night markets, and urban life in Taipei.