Torontonians have been experiencing a very different February than they’re used to when it comes to weather. According to Environment Canada, it’s been an above-seasonal winter in terms of temperatures so far. As the warm weather in Toronto continues, temperatures in the city are set to break warmth records on Friday.

Here are all the details.

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environment canada
Image via Environment Canada

Toronto and the GTA

Toronto and the GTA can get ready to kick off the weekend with some record-breaking temperatures.

“We are looking at a high of 12°C in Toronto and the GTA,” said Environment Canada Weather Preparedness Meteorologist Peter Kimball in an interview with Curiocity.

In fact, the current record is 86 years old.

“The record high for February 9th was set in 1938 at 10.6°C at Pearson Airport and for downtown Toronto the record is 11.1°C. Either way, it looks like we will be breaking warmth records. It’s remarkable weather for February.”

Records in other parts of Ontario

Toronto and the GTA aren’t the only parts of Ontario that could break records according to Kimball.

“In Southern Ontario, Windsor could get very close to beating a record. Windsor’s high today is set for 16°C while the record is 16.1°C set in 1900 so they’ll be very close to matching or breaking that record.”

Residents of London will be experiencing a much warmer February 9th than usual, set to blow their current record out of the water.

“London’s record is 9.8°C from 2001, but today will hit 14 degrees there,” said Kimball. 

Cooler temperatures to come

Maybe don’t get too used to the warm weather though. Environment Canada says it isn’t here to stay.

“This pattern is not set to hold all of February, cooler temperatures and normal or seasonal temperatures are expected for the next week starting on Sunday,” said Kimball.

“In that week period, we may even see a day or two of below normal temperatures, most notably next Saturday the 17th. Winter is not over yet.”

While we may be in for some cooler days there is still no snow predicted for the near future.

“The good news is no big snowfalls are in the forecast. Well, bad news if you wanted some snow this winter.”

Enjoy the warm weather and record-setting temperatures while you can, Toronto!