With cold Canadian winters, we can all agree that getting outside as much as possible while the weather is right is a serious necessity. And with the lockdown, we’ve quickly realized how it’s as important for our mental health as it is for our physical health. As nice as it was having 14-hour Netflix binges on the couch without moving further than the fridge, summer is now in full swing and we’ll take any excuse to stretch our legs outside. Luckily, Bike Share Toronto offers 6,850 bikes and 625 stations across 200 square km of the city to get you moving on two wheels.

Bike Share Toronto is a healthier, greener, and convenient way to move around the city. Whether you’re commuting or simply riding for fun, biking is a better-for-the-environment transportation method for anywhere you might need to go – seriously.

bike share toronto shift

Now one thing to note is that you have to dock your bike every 30 minutes to avoid overage fees. All you need to do is dock the bike, then unlock it again (or another bike) to continue riding! If you don’t dock your bike before the 30-minute mark, you’ll get an overage fee of $4 for every additional 30 minutes you ride.

So, picture this: It’s looking to be a beautiful sunny day in the city, and you plan to meet some friends for a day at The Beaches. You jump out of bed, head out of your West Queen West apartment, check your CycleFinder/PBSC app to locate the bike closest to you. You know it’ll take over 30 min to get there so you’ll have to dock at some point, but hey- that’s just the excuse you needed to stop along the way to stock up on some snacks!

Not convinced? Then picture this: It’s Monday afternoon, you’ve been slaving away working from home all day, and haven’t had a break. You finally convince yourself to meet a friend at High Park for an outdoor workout, but the walk there feels daunting AF. The solution? Bike Share, duh. It’s easy, it’s affordable, it’s efficient, and it’ll also give you a nice warmup before sweating your heart out at the park!

Those scenarios are both pretty familiar to all of us in one way or another, so it’s pretty easy to imagine the millions of ways you could use Bike Share Toronto in your everyday life.

bike share toronto shift

We’ve gotta admit it. Bike Share has a lot of great features, like A) It’s a greener commuting option, B) It’s easy to use and healthier for you, but the best part about it is C) HOW AFFORDABLE IT IS!!!

Here’s how the pricing is broken down:

  • Single Trip (One 30-minute trip): $3.25
  • 24H Access Pass (Unlimited 30-minute trips in 24 hours): $7
  • 72H Access Pass (Unlimited 30-minute trips in 72 hours): $15
  • Annual Membership (Unlimited 30-minute trips, 365 days a year): $99

The fact that you could ride unlimited times in one year for less than 30 cents a day is out of this world. Or more like out of this decade, because that definitely doesn’t seem like 2020 pricing. For more info, check out their site!

So, there you have it, Toronto! But make sure before you go ahead and ride around town, grab a helmet and learn the rules of the road to ride safely. Have fun out there.