Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know that some big things are happening in the hockey world. The epicenter of it all? Montreal of course, if you go online you’ve probably seen a video or two of fans going crazy. And the Montreal Canadiens organization wants something equally as crazy. More fans in the stands.

Now we get it, with many provinces nearly fully open and summer in the air, who doesn’t want to cheer on the Habs? But COVID-19 is still very much a thing and limitations are in place for a reason. That being said, the Montreal Canadiens organization wants to boost the current Bell Centre capacity from 3,500 to 10,500. Yep, a triple capacity for the upcoming Stanley Cup final games.

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Obviously, skeptics have worried about the safety of boosting capacity inside the arena. That said, whether Montreal wins or loses, there will be tens of thousands of people shoulder to shoulder in the streets. If the government (which the Habs are waiting on) approves the request to host over 10,000 fans, it’ll be the busiest arena Canada has seen in nearly 2 years.

Will you guys be watching the upcoming games? If you’re reading this article probably. But either way, you can learn more about the possibility of Montreal hosting more fans by clicking here. If you end up attending one of the games in person, please take some vids for us. Because well, we’re curious.