Did you know that Ontario is home to a park in the sky? The St. Thomas Elevated Park is the first of its kind in the whole country and it’s completely free to visit.

Picture this: an old railway bridge transformed into an incredible park that stands a whopping 30 meters above the stunning Kettle Creek Valley. Talk about amazing views!

Back in the day, the bridge carried the Michigan Central Railroad through St. Thomas, which was a bustling hub for multiple rail companies.

Unfortunately, the bridge fell into disuse and was abandoned in the mid-1990s. But, a local heritage conservationist named Serge Lavoie had the brilliant idea to save this iconic structure from decay.

Supported by the Trans Canada Trail (TCT), Serge carried out an engineering study to determine if the bridge could be repurposed into a recreational trail.

Taking inspiration from New York City’s High Line Linear Park and Paris’ Coulée Verte, the St. Thomas Elevated Park was born.

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Now, the park is not just a place to enjoy views of the Ontario countryside; it’s also a hub of artistic expression.

Community artists have donated various sculptures that dot the landscape.

The park is privately owned by a not-for-profit organization and was funded by donations from the community and built with the help of volunteers.

That means no tax dollars were used in its creation, which is pretty amazing!

As an added bonus, it’s part of the Trans Canada Trail, making it a high-profile addition to this national treasure.

So, make sure to plan a visit to the St. Thomas Elevated Park. With its scenic vistas and captivating atmosphere, it’s bound to leave you in awe.

St. Thomas Elevated Park

When: Open daily from 5 AM to 11 PM
Where: 1 Centre Street, St. Thomas
Cost: FREE