As a city that’s so STEM-focused, most people probably assume that Seattle is a pretty smart city. According to new data, that assumption is absolutely right. ProptechOS has released its list of the smartest cities in the U.S. and here’s where Seattle sits.

So what does ProptechOS mean by smart? For this study, smart refers to cities that are best prepared for a ‘smart city’ future.

As there are multiple ways to measure this, ProptechOS considered 11 measurements that fall into the categories of tech infrastructure and connectivity, a tech-driven job market, and sustainability.

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Photo via ProptechOS

Overall the rainy city came in third place following Los Angeles in second and Austin in first. Our city also scored highly in the tech job market with a 59-point score, putting us in 8th place overall.

All in all, the top 10 US cities best prepared for a ‘smart city’ future are as follows:

  1. Austin, TX
  2. Los Angeles, CA
  3. Seattle, WA
  4. San Francisco, CA
  5. Atlanta, GA
  6. Washington, D.C.
  7. Dallas, TX
  8. New York City, NY
  9. San Jose, CA
  10. Portland, OR

Let’s see if we can make first place next year!