Ah yes, the Quebecois influencers partying on a flight to Mexico that have taken the internet by storm. While it may be old news for most of Canada at this point, Quebec is still revelling in the entertainment. So much so that a Quebecois moving company has jokingly offered to help bring the stranded influencers home.

The offer, in the form of an ad from Déménagement Le Clan Panneton, boasts the company’s great moving skills. The company says it’s more than capable of making the 5,823 km or 60-hour trek to Tulum in one of their trucks. What’s more, this offer is a special for the  “ostrogoths sans-dessein”, an insulting term PM Justin Trudeau used to denounce the group of influencers.

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The term basically refers to people who ignore rules and manners, or people who are clueless put politely. And that sounds about right considering all that went down.

The ad doesn’t stop there, it also mentions that people who take advantage of the offer could win a free selfie stick. But if you read the fine print, you’ll notice that the company states in french that it “won’t offer free moving services in exchange of a story post on your IG, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, FB or Twitter, no need to ask.”

And to really seal the deal, the company even added an apology in Spanish apologizing for “sending you uneducated foreigners”.

Anything for a free selfie stick, right? Have a great weekend, folks.