There’s nothing better than a fall’s day adventure – especially one you haven’t taken before! Not sure where the upcoming weekend has in store? Climb aboard!

This season, thrill seekers are encouraged to explore Alberta’s finest on a passenger train headed from Jasper, Alberta to Dunster, British Columbia – a magical experience presented by Sundog Tours and Transportation.

A 6-hour journey, this sightseeing opportunity will start from the Jasper train station and will chug through the trees and along bright blue lakes across the provincial border.

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Photo via Sundog Tours and Transportation

Once in Dunster, however, you’ll transfer from Via’s Skeena Train to a luxury motor coach vehicle for your return trip back through Jasper in which you’ll visit Mount Robson – the tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies.

Along the way, you’ll likely see wildlife, can take photos and will learn about the rich history, geology and ecology of the region – so come with an open mind!

It should also be noted, however – that guests should also prepare lunch and snacks as they don’t provide you with any food and you will not want to go hungry!

It’s going to be a long ride, but just think of all of the magical things you’ll see! Plus, you’ll get to live out your Hogwarts fantasy.

To snag a seat, head to the website below, otherwise, happy riding!

The sunnier seasons will come and go before you know it and you don’t want to let it pass you by. Enjoy!

Sundog Train Tour, Jasper to Dunster

When: Friday and Sunday
Cost: $65+