If you’re enjoying the milder winter weather in Metro Vancouver, we’ve got some good news for you. It looks like we’re in for a January forecast with few surprises, according to a meteorologist from Environment Canada. So grab your umbrellas and get ready to brave the classic Raincouver weather ahead.

In an interview with Curiocity, a representative shares that El Niño has been a dominant player in the atmosphere throughout Western Canada. In BC, that means we’re looking at “warmer than normal conditions for January and February.”

These warmer-than-average conditions have been present since early fall, and it looks like they’re not slowing down. This time of year, the average maximum temperature in Vancouver is 6 degrees – and this week, temperature highs range from 8 to 4 degrees.

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bc weather forecast january 2024
Photo via Environment Canada

In terms of precipitation, Vancouverites can expect fairly average levels of rainfall for the month of January, with a chance of flurries currently forecasted for Monday, January 8th.

That said, as we move to the second and third weeks of January, “subtle hints of change are coming our way,” according to the representative. Temperatures are expected to drop to their “seasonal averages,” with lows at or just above freezing.

In conclusion, enjoy the mild weather while it lasts, Vancouver! Cooler winter weather may still very well be on its way, so don’t pack away your gloves or snow gear just yet.