At long last, Calgary’s Park Foundation will officially unveil its brand new bicycle pump track in the popular neighbourhood of Inglewood following the official sneak peek and ‘ribbon cutting’ ceremony Friday, October 22nd.

Located in the green space along the Bow River not far from the intersection of 20th Street and Seventh Avenue SE, Inglewood’s new addition has two asphalt tracks and is surrounded by benches, picnic tables and fencing – which are nice little additions to the area – but it gets better!

The area is also super inclusive and can be used by all ages and all skill levels for everyone to enjoy.

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Inglewood bicycle pump track
Photo via Parks Foundation

Built in participation with the Calgary Flames Foundation and the City, this particular project has been in the works since the spring and thanks to funding received through the provincial Municipal Stimulus Program, will officially open October 23rd.

For more information on the project or the Inglewood bicycle pump track itself, you can visit the city’s website here.

Check it out and enjoy, Calgary! It won’t be long before it’s covered in snow.