We just came across a little bit of news from over the weekend that we find downright bewitching. Turns out, BC received a shipment from Australia that needs to be seen to be believed. As spring turns to summer, flowers across the province begin to bloom, and they need a little extra help to be the best they can be.

Well folks, help has arrived, in the forms of millions of bees! That’s right, BC recently got a huge shipment of our fuzzy friends from Australia. The plan is to distribute them to ‘strategic’ locations in BC, to help with pollinating the various fruit trees we’ve got.

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? ? Honey, they’re home! Last night was un-bee-lievable. Millions of bees arrived from Australia on China Airlines of…

Posted by Vancouver International Airport on Friday, April 9, 2021

Now, we have to admit the story does remind us of Jerry Seinfeld’s absolute masterclass in filmmaking- Bee Movie. How do the bees feel about being relocated? Is there a tiny bee spokesperson and a seemingly stable florist to advocate for them? What if they want to spend their lives in bee swimming pools, or whatever else is in Seinfeld’s utopia?

Nah, just kidding, that impeccable story wraps up with the bees really seizing the modes of production, in a weird Marxist yet capitalist tale. But that’s not realistic, is it? That’s why we always give a bee a loonie if we see it hanging out near a flower, just so it can go buy something nice.

Ok, we’re done, sorry for the incoherent rambling, but we couldn’t help ourselves!