Just like Modest Mouse foretold, we could all float on if this gets approved! An application for the first floating Nordic spa in BC has been submitted to the City of Victoria. And while it’s still in the early stages, we couldn’t help but talk about it! Here’s what to know.

havn victoria
Image via HAVN Experiences Ltd.

Put forth by a new company called HAVN Experiences LTD., HAVN will be a 144 foot long floating spa offering classic Nordic amenities. Currently, the plan is to include “4 saunas, 3 hot pools, 2 freshwater cold pools, 1 ocean water pool and outdoor and indoor spaces to relax and socialize.”

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floating nordic spa bc
Image via HAVN Experiences Ltd.

What’s more, the developers are hoping that the site will also include a flex space, which would allow for community events like concerts and speakers series. In short, it would be a serious destination not just for locals, but tourists from all over the world!

floating nordic spa bc
Image via HAVN Experiences Ltd.

Naturally, the location is a major factor of the plan. The spa hopes to set up shop in Ship Point, which is already a major spot for markets, events, and sightseeing. In fact, the City of Victoria has a master plan underway to develop the area, and HAVN thinks it would fit right in.

Since the application for the first floating Nordic spa in BC was only submitted last week, it’ll probably be a while before this gets the go ahead. But, we can’t help getting excited about the potential here! If it goes through, we’ll make sure to keep you updated.