u of a botanic garden
Photo via University of Alberta Botanic Garden

You can expect to find your happy place when you visit the University of Alberta Botanic Garden!

Relaxation, rejuvenation and enjoyment are only 15 minutes SW of Edmonton. At this garden in a forest, you’ll discover how nature ignites your “happy hormones”, while you experience a peaceful, beautiful natural environment. Explore cultural gardens, northern climate-hardy plant collections and extensive natural areas, all on 240 acres.

In addition to a peaceful stroll through a beautiful garden, you can expect other pleasant diversions. We have a lineup of special moments to add to your experience, all designed with safety in mind.

What’s Included

  • Access to 240 acres of gardens to explore
  • Five separate areas to visit- Aga Khan Garden, Kurimoto Japanese Garden, Indigenous Gardens, the Park Seymour Alpine Garden, and the Garden Collections
  • Thousands of plants on display
  • Architectural features to complement the Garden’s natural beauty

What To Expect

WHEN BOOKING- Due to public health guidelines, the U of A Botanic Garden will only allow entrance for those who reserved their spot in advance. Additionally, the Garden requires that all guests wear masks during their visit.

AGA KHAN GARDEN- The 4.8-hectare Aga Khan Garden, Alberta — gifted by His Highness the Aga Khan as a symbol of the continued intellectual, educational and cultural collaboration between the University of Alberta and the Aga Khan Development Network — is an extraordinary contemporary interpretation of Islamic landscape architecture in a northern climate.

KURIMOTO JAPANESE GARDEN- The Kurimoto Japanese Garden is a five acre garden, created in the kaiyou (strolling garden) style. The design is authentically Japanese, but utilizes plant species that are hardy to our northern climate. Ornaments and structures include lanterns, pagoda, entrance gate, belfry and asumayas (viewing shelters), along with the Ozawa Pavilion Teahouse and adjoining Ikoi no ba.

OTHER AREAS- When you visit this year, you may notice that some spots in the Garden look a little on the “wild” side. The Aga Khan Garden and Kurimoto Japanese Garden, both located near the entrance, are among our most highly maintained areas. As you venture beyond these iconic gardens, you may see that some areas look less than ideal.

A few areas have been closed for necessary rejuvenation. The University is going through structural changes to address funding issues, and the Garden is no exception – significant reductions to our budget are a reality. And our priority to keep the Garden safe for guests during COVID-19 has complicated operations.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding. Bear with us – better things are coming, they’ll just take a little time.