Snow waits for no one! Parts of Ontario could see over 30 cm of snow this week and experience some of the coldest air of the season. And by the sounds of it, Toronto is in for some wintery action.

According to The Weather Network, southern Ontario is in for snow squalls, whiteout conditions, and heavy blowing snow that’s likely to impact your daily travels, this Monday and Tuesday.

By midweek, some areas could see over 20 cm of that fluffy white stuff as temperatures start to cool and bands of snow are expected to form over Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.

Per TWN, this snow event is forecasted “to meander off of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, impacting the traditional snow belts, and eventually the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Kitchener-Waterloo regions.”

Though it may be more intense for north of the GTA and west of the city throughout Monday, according to TWN, the squalls will be on the move and kicked up a notch for Tuesday.

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“By Tuesday, the core of the cold is at its peak, as well, and daytime highs may fail to reach the freezing mark for the first time this season in the city of Toronto,” shares the weather site.

There’s a possibility that “brief bursts of snowfall” could temporarily move through the GTA and into the Greater Hamilton Area into Tuesday.

But for Toronto, it’s looking like we need to bundle up more rather than worry about significant snow. According to TWN, the city may record three different firsts this season with this snowy action.

“Toronto’s first snow squall may lead to our first snowfall accumulation, all fuelled by the coldest air of the season. As stated, our first daytime high below the freezing mark may be recorded on Tuesday,” shares the weather site.

“Wind chill values will easily dip into the double-digits below zero for many communities, as well.”

According to Environment Canada, there’s a chance of flurries throughout the day for Toronto with daytime temperatures of 3°C and a low of -4°C Monday evening. Flurries will continue into Tuesday with a daytime temperature of 0°C which will drop to -6°C in the evening.

As for Wednesday, flurries are expected, with a daytime high of 1°C and low of -1°C in the evening.

That means that, if it happens, Toronto will be colder than Iqaluit, Nunavut.

“Iqaluit’s forecast of 0°C and 3°C on Tuesday and Wednesday will likely be warmer than both Toronto and Ottawa,” shares TWN.

Now that’s wild! Make sure if you’re out and about this week, that you bundle up, stay warm, and be cautious when out on the roads.