Canada is no stranger to the wind, snow and ice, but Wild Rose Province has entered the thick of the winter season. This week, in particular, has been incredibly chilly and on Thursday, Environment Canada issued an extreme cold warning for the entirety of Alberta.

Not sure what this means for you and yours? Here’s what you need to know going into the holidays.

First and foremost – dress warm, be smart and stay inside if you can help it.

Photo via Environment Canada

“Extremely cold wind chill values between minus 40 and minus 55 will moderate in some places today but will come back tonight,” they wrote, adding that while the frigid weather puts everyone at risk, things should get better by the weekend.

Until then, however, EC says everyone needs to be extra weary of frostbite and hypothermia and should watch for cold-rated symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain as well as colour change or numbness in fingers and toes.

“Risks are greater for young children, older adults, people with chronic illnesses, people working or exercising outdoors, and those without proper shelter,” they continued.

“If it’s too cold for you to stay outside, it’s too cold for your pet to stay outside.”

Over the next few days, some cities and towns like Edmonton and Calgary will see a major improvement – but it’s still important to be extra careful as roads could get super icy due to a thaw-freeze cycle.

Photo via Environment Canada / Calgary

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With a chinook rolling in, Calgary could see a swing of 30°C between now and Sunday when they’ve predicted a high of 4°C.

Edmonton will also see quite a shift – though their high for this weekend is only -13°C.

Photo via Environment Canada / Edmonton

If of course, you’d like more information or would like to stay up-to-date, you can visit the Government’s website or follow Environment Canada on their socials.

Times are tough, Alberta – but we’ve got this. We can only go up from here!