If you’re into gardening or foraging then you need to know about the Beacon Food Forest. This community initiative is “a grassroots project created and powered by volunteers”. And their whole focus is creating local food ecosystems and imagining the offerings of urban green spaces.

The Beacon Food Forest started as a patch of grass and crazy dream in 2009. And today it’s a thriving ecosystem full of plants, pollinators, and healthy soil. But what’s so special about the space is that it now provides fresh produce and also space for people to learn and teach. Plus the gardens are a forager-friendly forest meaning that what is grown there is free to the public.

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While the produce from the garden is free we always recommend using a “take only what you need” mindset. And that means if you can afford to buy plenty of produce, leave what’s there for someone who can’t. Because you can enjoy the garden whether you’re foraging or not. And if you end up really loving it, you can always give back by volunteering your time.

Now if you do go to pick food, be sure to only pick from the public garden and not individual p-patch boxes. Because those boxes do belong to gardeners and they would be very sad to see their hard work picked.

We highly recommend that you check out the Beacon Food Forest. Because it’s truly a unique gem in our city and who knows what you’ll learn if you pay a visit. Plus you might just discover that you do indeed have a green thumb. If you’d like to learn more you can click below.

Beacon Food Forest

When: 24/7
Where: S Dakota Street
Cost: Free/By donation of money or time