Washington is blessed to be a state full of amazing parks and outdoor areas. But perhaps one of the most amazing is the Olympic National Park which houses the Hoh Rainforest. That rainforest just so happens to be home to one of the most silent places in the state.

In fact, this specific spot in the Hoh Rainforest might actually be the most silent place in the US. Apparently, the exact location is “marked by a small red-colored stone placed on top of a moss-covered log at N 48.12885°, W 123.68234°, 303 feet above sea level.”

It sits just over 3 miles away from the visitor’s center at Mt. Tom Creek Meadows along the Hoh River Trail and is accessible with a 2-hour hike.

However, thanks to modernity, this area of silence is threatened. And that’s where One Square Inch of Silence comes in. This research project is located within the Olympic National Park and serves to remind people of the importance of silence. After all, silence is something we lack in our day to day lives now. And we would all like to see the park stay silent.

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Beyond this mission, One Square Inch of Silence has a fantastic website with a “breathing space”. This space allows visitors to view images of the rainforest and listen to all of its sounds of silence. If you live in Washington we think this is a great reminder of how important our state’s natural spaces are.

If you’d like to learn more about One Square Inch of Silence and their work in the Hoh Rainforest you can head to their website. Of course you can also check the area out for yourself by visiting Olympic national Park.